Projects (1.0)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Download all annotations of a project
Download all annotations of a project
Download Annotations
Used for downloading meta data and annotation data belong to all frames within the given project.
path Parameters
projectId required | string ID of the project required, you can view this project ID from 'download' section within the relevant project |
query Parameters
taskList | Array of strings unique Ids of the tasks required - optional. If not specified, all tasks are considered. |
labels | Array of strings unique Labels to filter the boxes from - optional -> if not specified, all labels are considered |
pageSize | number No of annotation tasks to be present per page. Default is 5 and maximum is 50 |
pageIndex | number <double> Index of the page (default = 0) |
header Parameters
key required | string Put the given API key here |
secret required | string Put the given API secret here |
Response samples
- 200
Create Project
Creates a new project on LayerX system.
Request Body schema: application/json
Name of the project
projectName required | string non-empty Name of the project |
contentType required | number Specify whether the type of content is image or video. For video this is 1 and for image it is 2 |
required | Array of objects |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "projectName": "string",
- "contentType": 0,
- "labels": [
- {
- "labelName": "string",
- "labelDescription": "string"
Response samples
- 200
{- "projectId": "string"
Initialize Upload
Setup a new file upload to a project in LayerX system.
path Parameters
projectId required | string ID of the project that you wish to upload the contents to. This is the Id that returned by project create endpoint |
Request Body schema: application/json
collectionName required | string non-empty Name to identify the collection of files uploading - this name will be listed under the uploads done for the project in LayerX frontend |
totalFileCount required | number No of files going to be uploaded - required for the server to track the progress and completion of upload |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "collectionName": "string",
- "totalFileCount": 0
Response samples
- 200
{- "uploadId": "string",
- "lastSequenceId": 0
Upload Files with Labelling
path Parameters
uploadId required | string Id returned by initialize Upload endpoint |
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
files required | Array of strings <binary> Files to upload - Here you have to upload single file per frame, therefore only 1 element present in the array |
sequenceNo | number Index or sequence number of the frame |
required | Array of objects Label data for the frame as array of objects. Each object will have a x,y coordinates and parameters such as width, height |
Response samples
- 200
{- "success": true
Get Task List
Get list of tasks belong to the project
query Parameters
projectId required | string ID of the project |
pageIndex | number <double> Page number of the task list (default = 0) |
pageSize | number No of annotation tasks to be present per page. Default is 100 and maximum is 1000 |
Response samples
- 200
{- "taskCount": 0,
- "taskList": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "frameCount": 0,
- "status": 0,
- "completedFrames": 0,
- "createdAt": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string",
- "completedAt": null,
- "projectName": "string",
- "progress": 0,
- "contentType": 0,
- "videoResolutionWidth": 0,
- "videoResolutionHeight": 0,
- "videoName": "string",
- "taskName": "string",
- "isDownloadEnable": true,
- "downLoadUrl": "string"